Top 20 Leaked Celebrity Pics

Celebrities are always in the public eye. That’s just the price of fame. They can’t so much as take a shit without a camera crew trying to record it. That’s why it’s so surprising that so many celebrities think nothing of taking nude pics of themselves. It’s pretty much a given that it will all make its way to their adoring fans. Sometimes the pics are innocent, but sometimes they’re so much more. It all just goes to show you that the stars are just like us. They love to fuck. Here are the top 20 leaked celebrity pics.
#20 Jennifer Lawrence
You may know her as J-Law. You may also know her as one of the most annoying celebrities on the planet. She comes off as a pseudo intellectual who has nothing of value to say. She’s also gotten into some trouble after mocking the handicapped. Either way, she has a nice set of tits. You can see them for yourself in a video that she shot with her boyfriend. They’re spectacular. And, she knows it. Make a search for “Jennifer Lawrence tits” and has some great pics and there’s a couple of videos on worth a look see.
#19 Kate Upton
Kate Upton has been around for years and it’s no surprise why. She’s a hot blonde with a tight body. Her boyfriend really likes it, too. That’s why he took some naked pics with her a while ago. Needless to say, they made their way onto the internet. Now there’s barely a soul alive that hasn’t gotten an eyeful of her titties. Again, just a simple search for “Kate Upton Nudes” will bring up plenty of more pics of her. You will get to see Kate Upton’s pussy from the front and behind as well as some full on sex pics.
#18 Alison Pill
Alison was in Scott Pilgrim and is a nerd’s wet dream. Luckily, you don’t have to be sleeping to see her naked. She took plenty of naked selfies in 2012 and they’re all over the internet for you to enjoy but they’re a little tricky to find you have to know what to search and the best sites to find her naked selfies on. Just make sure that you take the time to thank whoever it was that she took them for in the first place. Punching in the term “Alison Pill nude selfies” will bring up some results, check out for best results.
#17 Scarlett Johansson
She plays the Black Widow and she’s super-hot. There’s a reason that Scarlett Johansson was chosen to wear a tight leather outfit for almost a decade. It doesn’t need to be said that she looks even hotter without any clothes at all. She took a few for some guy and he just had to share them. She’s now responsible for the majority of the world’s spilled loads. The pic above was taken before she got famous and there’s a lot more explicit photos of her during that time.
#16 Ashley Greene
You know Ashley Greene from Twilight. She was the wooden teen girl that the sparkly vampire had a hard on for. She also cheated on him in real life. She’s one of the most irritating people on the planet. She got up on stage and told the president that she was gay, then went ahead and started dating a guy. Way to stick up for the disenfranchised. Anyway, she has nice tits and she took pictures of them for one of the many guys who got to fuck her.
#15 Kat Dennings
Kat Dennings was on that show that your mother used to watch. You probably caught her giant tits entering the fake restaurant a good twenty minutes before the rest of her got there. 90% of the show’s humor revolved around her vagina and how much she liked to touch it. It was edgy humor for the soon to be retired. Her ex apparently leaked some of the nudes and the world is a much better, if not at all funnier, place for it.
14 Christina Hendrix
Sure, Christina Hendrix was on Mad Men. That wasn’t what put her on your radar, though. That was her appearing in Firefly as the conniving wife of Malcom Reynolds. She has a giant set of tits and a head full of red hair. She’s the perfect woman and you can see her naked online. Please send cash along with your Thank You notes.
13 Olivia Munn
Olivia Munn is a dirty, dirty girl. She’s just not overly smart. She tried working on The Daily Show and just couldn’t hack it. That’s why she ended up in those godforsaken X-Men movies. She also dated another star and apparently couldn’t get enough of his famous cock up her ass. She wrote as much on the nude pics that she sent him. When you have someone as hot as her sending you nudes where she tells you how much she loves getting ass fucked by you, then you’ve won at everything on the planet.
12 Blake Lively
You know who Blake Lively is. There’s no point in pretending that you don’t. What you might not know is that she likes to take pics of her naked tits and send them to people. You can see them for yourself after you admit that you’re a big fan.
11 Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato just loves to have fun with her friends. That’s probably why she took so many pics of herself being slutty with them. She’s practically making out with the girls and having a great time while she does it. Unfortunately for her, the pics were leaked and now everyone can see them. Sometimes things just work out for the best.
10 Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba has been around for long enough to give some of you your first boners. She’s one of those actresses who said she’d never do a nude scene. That didn’t stop her from taking naked pics for a boyfriend. She’s got her perfect tits on display with a big, old smile on her pretty face. She may not get naked for a movie, but she made sure to get naked for your next stroke session.
9 Miley Cyrus
Sorry to ruin your image of her from Hannah Montana, but Miley Cyrus is a slut. It turns out that Billy Ray never taught his daughter to keep her nude pics to herself. You can see her naked pretty much anywhere. Hell, you can even see her pissing in multiple locations. She clearly doesn’t care about keeping herself decent, so you shouldn’t care about looking at her naked tits.
8 Rihanna
Rihanna may think of herself as a queen, but she’s really just a cock slut. She’s been sharing naked pics of herself since forever and they keep up online. All you really need is Google to see her naked. That’s impressive for anyone who works on this side of the porn industry.
7 Hayley Williams
Hayley Williams is a cute redhead with a petite body. Lots of people want to see her naked. Luckily for them, she likes to keep her nude pics right on her Twitter for some reason. A hacker was able to get into her account and share a pic that was only meant to give one person a boner. Now it’s getting the whole world hard.
6 Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton wants you to think that she’s a dumb blonde. Every single thing she does is calculated, though. She’s created a brand that nets her millions. That’s why her sex tape was leaked all over the world. She did that intentionally, but she didn’t mean for her later nude pics to get leaked afterward. Those were meant for one person, but now they fuel an empire’s worth of jerking.
5 Christina Aquilera
Christina Aguliera has the most innocent reasoning behind her leaked pics. She just wanted to send them to her stylist to figure out her wardrobe. What happened was so much better, though. They got shared with the internet and now everyone knows what her naked tits look like.
4 Vanessa Hudgens
It’s difficult for someone to be seen naked as much as Miley Cyrus. Vanessa Hudgens gives her a run for her money, though. This young, hot thing loves to show herself off to anyone who wants to see her. The pics are always getting leaked and you can know her body better than you even know your own.
3 Heather Morris
You know Heather Morris from Glee. That was the show about singing high schoolers that everyone watched. The people on it were far from their teens, though. She took a bunch of pics of herself getting naked and bending over to show off how tight her little asshole happens to be. She can’t even say it wasn’t her because you can clearly see her face after you’re done examining her pussy.
2 Taylor Swift
This one is a cause of a lot of contention. Taylor Swift claims that the nudes of her are total fakes. In fact, she’s threatened to sue over them. There’s a problem, though. If they were really fake, why would she threaten? Why wouldn’t she just sue? That would be the most logical course of action. Just complaining makes it seem like they’re real and they’re still up if you want to check them out.
1 Kate Middleton
Finally, we come to #1. This tops the list because of the reason for her fame. Kate Middleton is a Royal and nothing more. She married into the royal family and got famous for it. It’s too bad for them that she didn’t leave her love of topless sunbathing back in the realm of the normal. She was caught topless in France and the commoners have been rejoicing ever since.
There are 20 best celebrity leaked nudes that you can find on the internet. It doesn’t take a whole lot to track them down. The only things you have to look out for are fakes. These are, at least mostly, legit. You can check them out whenever you want, just make sure you save them to your hard drive. There may come a day in the future when these nudes disappear. You’ll be the hero that we call on to once again let their naked light shine upon us.